Undisclosed Liabilities

Undisclosed debt is a leading cause of mortgage fraud and has represented a large percentage of all lender repurchase demands. First American Data & Analytics offers a solution that’s “always on” with Undisclosed Debt Monitoring™, powered by Equifax.

A Solution That’s “Always On”

Providing lenders with much needed transparency, this solution monitors the borrower's activity to identify if new debts or liabilities are incurred during the “quiet period.” This helps to evaluate if the borrower has the propensity and capacity to repay the loan.

The integration of Equifax Undisclosed Debt Monitoring (UDM) within FraudGUARD constantly monitors borrower activity and provides proactive alerts with customized notifications. The analysis of the UDM alerts is included in the overall borrower risk score for FraudGuard®.

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